I’m on a mission to upgrade your experience of your body, pleasure, and power.
Will you join me?
Too many women have been trained to caretake everyone in their life… except themselves. I’m all for us women caring for others… but the unspoken requirement of people-pleasing and self-sacrifice must change.
And we are going to change it together!
The dominant culture trains us to be people-pleasers. Thus… getting in touch with your true desires… asking for what you want… and getting it unapologetically is a revolutionary act.
In fact… there's so much taboo in the dominant culture about a woman asking for what she wants, and receiving what she wants… many women don’t even know what they want.
Together, we’re going to go on a journey of you reclaiming your desires.
A journey of standing in your power… in your relationships… in your work… and in public places.
So many women hold back on their power because they think they have to act like a man to be powerful in this world.
Together, we’re creating a new paradigm that balances pleasure and power and sources both in the dynamic dance of feminine and masculine energy in your soulbody. Once you discover that perfect balance… you can embody it and bring it forward into the world.
Ready to Embody the New Paradigm of Pleasurable Power?
These episodes will support you as a spiritual and creative woman to:
The dominant model tells you that you can’t be sexy and smart and respected and a mother and a vixen and rich all at once.
Let’s transform the dominant culture's dysfunction as we build the new paradigm together.
Join me for this adventure.
Discover your soul's desires & clear what's blocking you from receiving your Pleasure-Led Legacy
* Phone Session Includes: Sensual Hypnosis + Akashic Recode $222 *
Embody Pleasure & Create Money Aligned with your Legacy
Includes: Pleasure Body Breath + Sensual Hypnosis + Akashic Recode + Recordings of Pleasurable Money Recode Series
Instant Access to 3 Audio Akashic Recode Transmissions
One Payment of $111
I am a swearing spiritual teacher, a former people-pleaser turned rebel-truth-teller. I am passionate about supporting women and empaths to create a pleasure-led legacy of sensual freedom and wealth without apology. oh YES!
I am dedicated to supporting thousands of women, creatives and spiritual teachers to become Millionaires. Making money is the meaning of life, right? That's a joke. But seriously, we make positive and life-changing investments when we have abundant financial resources.
I've guided thousands of students in awakening the power of the body, mind, and embodied soul purpose since 1991. Are you next?
"Christel helped me create a successful series of programs AND I sold my first $9,000 package with her guidance, but also because her support was invaluable during a difficult time in my personal life when I was primary the care-taker for my mother during her final years. I feel incredibly fortunate to have her as a coach and co-visionary."
"I feel more confident than ever that I can share about my work in such a way that my ideal clients will be drawn to work with me. My dream of creating my own signature healing modality is blossoming before me as a real possibility. "
"As a result of working with Christel, I left an abusive relationship with a narcissist. I learned how to engage without codependent dynamics. I left an abusive job that was making me sick and now am making 1.5 times more money. I learned how to manage my anxiety, how to like and support myself. I created a non profit organization with a goal to help the community and making positive impact "
"I have honed in on the tribe I am truly called to serve, created a series of programs that I am really proud of- and had my highest income earning month EVER in my life (wow!) Christel has helped me to discover a way to grow my business while creating more ease and balance in my life- as a homeschooling mom, making sure that my business doesn’t “take over” the rest of my important work is essential!"
"I redefined my business goals & priorities which reignited my excitement to practice and teach energy medicine. I generate an additional $2600 in 2 weeks!"
Access your true desires. Ask for what you want & Receive unapologetically.
Transform your Relationship with Wealth & Power. Create the Rich Life you Imagine.
50% Complete
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